Drum and Bugle Corps 2016 Season

As the school year comes to an end the drum and bugle corps season is just beginning. Drum and bugle corps are marching ensembles (brass, percussion, and color guard) that travel throughout the country each summer rehearsing and performing in competitions. If you’re unfamiliar with the activity, watch this brief introduction.

There are many opportunities to see drum and bugle corps in competition in Indiana and surrounding states. Here is a partial list of events. Be sure to check out the event information at www.dci.org

June 23rd – Indianapolis, IN – DCI Premiere
Boston Crusaders
The Cavaliers
Phantom Regiment
The Cadets
Carolina Crown

June 26th – Michigan City, IN
The Cadets
The Cavaliers

June 27th – Hamilton, OH
Cincinnati Tradition
Boston Crusaders
Blue Stars
Carolina Crown

June 29th – Evansville, IN
Music City
Blue Stars
The Cavaliers

July 1st – Muncie, IN
Blue Stars
The Cavaliers
Carolina Crown

July 9th – Rockford, IL
Racine Scouts
Colt Cadets
Pacific Crest
The Academy
Blue Stars
Carolina Crown
Phantom Regiment

July 13th – Metamora, IL
Racine Scouts
Pacific Crest
Madison Scouts
Phantom Regiment

July 16th – Alexandria, KY
Cincinnati Tradition
Jersey Surf
Spirit of Atlanta
Boston Crusaders
The Cadets
Carolina Crown

July 17th – Dekalb, IL
Blue Devils
Blue Knights
Santa Clara Vanguard
Carolina Crown
The Cadets
The Cavaliers
Phantom Regiment

August 2nd – Fort Wayne, IN
Les Stentors
Music City
7th Regiment
Blue Devils B

The season will conclude in Indiana during the week of August 8th. Open Class corps will compete in Michigan City on August 8 and 9. Look for us at the World Class champsionships at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis August 11-13.

The drum corps season is a great chance to see the most exciting and innovative performances in the marching arts. With plenty of shows in and around Indiana, there’s no reason to miss the action!


How To Play And Sound Like Bonham

Welcome back to the Chops blog. Today we’re celebrating the birthday of one of the most influential drummers of all time, John Henry Bonham. We’d like to celebrate his life and influence by sharing some of our favorite Bonham-related links we’ve found on the web. They include an article from Drum! Magazine on 10 ways to sound like Bonham, a video from his drum tech Jeff Ocheltree on how to tune and mic like Bonham, and some isolated drums tracks of him in the studio. Give the article a read, check out the Jeff Ocheltree video, then sit back and listen to the bombastic sounds and heavy grooves of John Bonham.

DRUM! Magazine – 10 Ways to Sound Like John Bonham

Jeff Ocheltree on how to tune and mic to sound like Bonham:

Isolated Drum Tracks from the Studio

Fool In The Rain:

Whole Lotta Love:

What Is and What Should Never Be:

Ramble On:

Why Attend A Clinic


Why should I attend a clinic?  What’s the point when I can watch everything on YouTube?
We’ve discussed this topic quite a bit over the years here at Chops, but not because we don’t see the value in attending a clinic.  We’ve discussed it because we feel there are many reasons why people SHOULD attend clinics.  We remember when we were kids, before so much media was available at your fingertips online.  Music stores hosted clinics quite frequently, and were packed, sometimes needing to host them in a local school auditorium, gym, or ballroom at a local hotel!  That was also when there wasn’t the assistance of easy online promotion.  It was much more difficult to get the word out. Now, it’s very easy to promote clinics through many different avenues and notify many more people.  But, it seems less and less attend clinics and many music stores abandoned them long ago because of low turnout.  So, besides the obvious reason that music is better experienced live than on video, here’s a list of reasons of why clinics are worth attending.

  1. Education – You could learn a lot.  There’s a lot of information shared at clinics.  You might be able to see someone play drums online, but you don’t get to hear the explanations of how and why they do what they do.
  2. Clinician Interaction – There’s always an opportunity to ask questions.  You might want to ask about a certain groove from a recording and how they came up with it.  You might even ask about tuning, warmups, etc.  There’s usually time after the clinic to allow you the opportunity to meet them, get a picture, and ask any other questions you might have.
  3. Peer Interaction – Clinic attendees have a common interest and it’s a great opportunity to meet and talk to others who enjoy music the same as you do!
  4. Inspiration – This is the most important.  Live performances, whether it be a clinic or a concert, can inspire you.  We were all inspired at one point to start learning the instruments we play.  Listening and watching great musicians play music at the highest level inspires us to keep playing, and maybe try new things.  I remember that feeling when I was younger, attending a clinic or concert and wanting to run straight home and play my drums.  I feel EXACTLY that same feeling to this day.

This cannot happen on YouTube.  You have to be there live to feel it.  We have Todd Sucherman in clinic here at Chops Percussion this Thursday, May 26th.  I can’t wait to learn some new tricks, talk to some drumming peers, and feel that renewed inspiration all over again.  Attend a clinic so you can learn, interact and be inspired.  You won’t regret it.

Todd Sucherman Drum Set Clinic – May 26th at Chops

We’re really excited to have Todd Sucherman back to do a clinic at Chops Percussion on Thursday, May 26th at 6:30pm. The last time he was here was December of 2011. If you were’t here then, be sure not to miss him this time around. Todd’s clinic was one of my favorite clinics that we’ve hosted here at Chops. Not only is he a master of technique with monster chops, but he’s extremely musical in his approach to the drums. The feel that he had on every thing I heard him play that night was spot on and I can’t wait to hear him again!

The picture below shows the kit that he used in 2011 in the store. Be sure to ask Jeff Huffman about the snare drum in this picture.


Contrast that with the video below of the kit he’s currently using on the Styx tour.  Todd personally gives you a tour in the video below.

This is another thing that I appreciated about Todd. He’s a huge (and I mean this in the most honorable sense of the term) drum nerd when it comes to gear. His kit has a lot going on, but because of his musical approach, none of it is wasted or for show. There’s intentionality with everything that he’s selected to make up his “instrument.”

Check out his YouTube channel or his Facebook page and watch the most recent videos he’s made of some recording that he’s been doing.  This is just a taste of what you’ll see live.

Do yourself a favor and show up to the clinic on May 26th.  It’s free and you’ll learn a ton from this incredible musician.

May 2016 News at Chops

Todd Sucherman Clinic – 5/26/16!

The amazing Todd Sucherman will be in Chops for a clinic on Thursday, May 26, 2016. Start time will be 6:30pm. Doors will open around 6:00pm.

Learn more about Todd Sucherman.

Download the event poster.

Demo Gear/Clearance Items

Demo Gear at Chops Percusssion
Our demo list has been refreshed for the May Transmission. We also combined the cymbal demo page with our main demo page. All demo items are now in one place.

Follow the link below to view what’s been added and sold!

View the list on our website.

Remembering Remo Belli

Remembering Remo Belli
By now you have probably heard of the passing of a true innovator in the music world, Remo Belli. There have been a flood of great tributes to him and his career coming across social media. We collected a few that we thought did a good job in telling the story of Remo and everything that he has meant to the world of percussion and beyond.

Visit our Remo page.