As a young drummer, I sometimes had a hard time finding ways to practice. The desire to practice was there, but the noise associated with my practice drove everyone else in my house nuts. Today’s drummers have a little more luck in that department. There are some great products out there that can quiet your kit down, so that means more practice time for you! Two of the best products on the market for volume control are the Remo Silent Stroke drumheads and the Zildjian L80 Low-Volume cymbals. Now you can buy them both together! Introducing the Zildjian Quiet Pack (insert pack picture here).
If you’re unfamiliar with these products, check out this video from YouTube user, Buck A.:
The pack will sell for $349.95 and will be available for a limited time only. Email us at chops@chopspercussion.com or call 877-900-DRUM to place your order today!