Visit Us At IPA State Prelims and State Finals!

Indoor Percussion season is in full swing and we’re proud to once again be the Presenting Sponsor for the Indiana Percussion Association. This weekend starts the march to state finals, with State Prelims and Divisional Finals at Avon High School and Decatur Central High School. Check out the schedules at the links above.
IPA State Championships will once again be held in Hulman Center, on the campus of Indiana State University in Terre Haute. Once this weekend’s preliminary events are complete, the State Finals schedule will be available here.
We’ll be running a booth at state prelims (Avon site) and state finals, so if you’re attending either of these, make sure to stop by and say hi! We’ll have lots of sticks, practice pads, mallets, stick bags, t-shirts, and many other items to choose from. It would be a great time to try out all the different sticks and pads and take something home!
If you go to any shows, let us know what you think on our Facebook page! If you wear a Chops Percussion shirt, make sure to post a pic to our Facebook or Twitter page!
For more information on events, schedules, venues, ticket sales and more, visit the Indiana Percussion Association (IPA) website.
Demo Gear/Clearance Items

Our demo list has been updated. follow the link below to view what’s changed since last month!
View the list on our website.
Chops Closed for State Prelims & State Finals

Due to our heavy involvement with the Indiana Percussion Association we will be closed on Saturday, March March 18, 2017 to support them at their State Prelims competition. We will also be closed for IPA State Finals on Saturday, April 1, 2017 (no foolin’).
We will resume regular hours on Monday, April 3rd. Thank you for your understanding!.