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2018 Indiana Percussion Association Clinic Day and I&E Competition

WHAT: 2018 Indiana Percussion Association Clinic Day and I&E Competition

WHEN: Saturday, December 8th, 9am-5pm (on-site registration begins at 8am)

WHERE: Plainfield High School

HOW: On-line registration is NOW OPEN!  On-site registration the day of the clinic will begin at 8am. Cost will be $15/person pre-registration or $20 at the door. Lunch is not included but the Plainfield Band Boosters will have lunch concessions available.

Clinic Day Group Registration:

IPA will be going with a more “hands on” approach that will allow the students to participate in a total of six, 50 minute hands-on master classes throughout the day! The goal of each clinician is to give your students 2-3 things that they can apply instantlyto their current playing situations.