This week would like to highlight an upcoming Community Percussion Clinic hosted by Northwestern HS in Kokomo, Indiana. They will be having an interactive clinic later this month with Julie Davila. You can find more details and contact information below.
What: An “interactive” clinic with renowned Clinician, Composer, Adjudicator and Teacher Julie Davila
Where: Northwestern High School, Kokomo, IN
When: Friday, January 28th, 2022
Time: 5-9pm
Cost: $25 per student for pre-registration ($40 at the door)
Who: This clinic is for high school students or (experienced) middle school/junior high
Expectations: This clinic is intended to be “hands on” and interactive. Students that
are attending should plan to bring sticks, practice pads and mallets. You will be playing!!
Marching drums (snares, tenors and marching bass drums) as well as marimbas will be
Registration: Please send registration forms and the $25 fee to:
Northwestern HS
Attn: Jon Rodgers
3431 N. 400 W
Kokomo, IN 46901
Julie Davila Clinic Registration form.docx
Deadline: All registration forms and fees are due to Jon Rodgers by Friday, December
17, 2021. Make checks payable to the Northwestern Band.
Any questions can be sent to Jon Rodgers- jonathon.rodgers@nwsc.k12.in.us
About the Clinician
Julie Davila is renowned percussionist specializing in concert
and marching percussion. She was inducted in to the WGI
Percussion Hall of Fame in 2014. She currently serves as
President-Elect for the Percussive Arts Society and is the
percussion coordinator for the MTSU Band of Blue. Julie is on
the adjudication teams for WGI and DCI, and has published
four method books and over 30 solo and ensembles for
marching and concert percussion.