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Tips for Summer Success – Private Lessons

We’re asked quite often if we give lessons here at Chops Percussion.  While we don’t currently offer lessons, we do feel they’re vital at achieving success and enjoyment on a musical instrument. Summer is the perfect time to get some extra practice in to prepare for the upcoming school year.  This will help ensure a return on your investment with a lifetime of music making enjoyment.  Again, we don’t currently offer lessons here at Chops, but here’s our list of suggestions in finding a lesson instructor that’s right for you or your child.

  • Ask your band director and/or school percussion instructor.  Most will have a list of instructors in the area that they know will get you started on the right path to success.
  • Ask other students in your school.  Sometimes great private lesson instructors fly under the radar and might not yet be well known to your band director.
  • Call us!  We’d be happy to refer you to qualified private instructors we know and trust!  These would be on the northeast side, so if that works for you, just give us a call and we’ll refer you to some of the best in the area.
  • Online lessons.  There are new online lesson opportunities popping up all the time.  If you choose this route, be sure to do some background and read all the reviews you can find.
  • Instructional books.  If private lessons won’t work for you, get an instructional book to work from. It will help get you started the right way and give fundamental exercises to get you on your way.

Taking the time to find the private lessons teacher that works well for you and taking advantage of extra free time over the summer makes perfect sense. Enjoy your summer and happy practicing!