Tips for Success – Additional Beginning Band Resources
We know that many schools will using a beginning method book that works alongside of a book that is used by the other instruments in the band program, but we would like to highlight some additional resources you can use with your new drummers! Often times the beginning percussion method books can take it a little to slow and using additional books along side those will allow your beginning percussion students to stay engaged and work from books written specifically for their instruments. While the beginning band method books will cover many of the same topices and have tried and true success, we feel using something extra will go a long way in helping your percussion students progress at a faster pace, without losing any useful knowledge. Below are some excellent books that we feel complement the book you may already be using:
Simple Steps to Successful Snare Drumming by Kennan Wylie
Simple Steps to Successful Mallets and More Percussion by Keenan Wylie
Simple Steps to Successful Beginning Percussion by Kennan Wylie
A Fresh Approach to the Snare Drum by Mark Wessels
A Fresh Approach to Mallet Percussion by Mark Wessels
Rhythm Reading for Drums (Part 1) by Garwood Whaley
Alfred Drum Method Book 1 by Sandy Fieldstein and Dave Black
Progressive Steps to Syncopation for the Modern Drummer by Ted Reed
Many of these books also include some type of play a long aspect now that makes it not only great for classroom use but fun for the students to practice at home. If you would like more specifics on what we might recommend based on the book you are currently using, give us a call and we can lead you in the right direction!
(317) 813-2070