That’s why they call it “Winter Drumline”

Photo by Justin Ramirez
Although it is “officially” Spring, the Indiana Percussion Association was thrown a snowball this past weekend for State Prelims day. A band of blizzard-like conditions came roaring through central Indiana, in a narrow stretch that beat up on some areas, but left much of the state untouched without a single snowflake. The IPA executive board did an excellent job staying on top of the weather conditions, communicating to school directors, and making decisions for the safety of all involved. Ultimately, both show sites (Avon and Decatur Central) had to cancel midway through the day, as it became obvious the weather band was going to continue to sit right over the contest sites and not let up. Everyone packed up quickly and headed home while there was still daylight.
The IPA board announced on Sunday that all units would be performing state finals day, and they are currently working on the schedule, which will be available HERE as soon as it’s announced. If you plan to attend, please remember to stop by the Chops Percussion booth and say hi!
Thank you again to the IPA board for their tireless efforts, volunteering their time to make decisions in the best interest of everyone involved!