Clinics Posts

Why Attend A Clinic


Why should I attend a clinic?  What’s the point when I can watch everything on YouTube?
We’ve discussed this topic quite a bit over the years here at Chops, but not because we don’t see the value in attending a clinic.  We’ve discussed it because we feel there are many reasons why people SHOULD attend clinics.  We remember when we were kids, before so much media was available at your fingertips online.  Music stores hosted clinics quite frequently, and were packed, sometimes needing to host them in a local school auditorium, gym, or ballroom at a local hotel!  That was also when there wasn’t the assistance of easy online promotion.  It was much more difficult to get the word out. Now, it’s very easy to promote clinics through many different avenues and notify many more people.  But, it seems less and less attend clinics and many music stores abandoned them long ago because of low turnout.  So, besides the obvious reason that music is better experienced live than on video, here’s a list of reasons of why clinics are worth attending.

  1. Education – You could learn a lot.  There’s a lot of information shared at clinics.  You might be able to see someone play drums online, but you don’t get to hear the explanations of how and why they do what they do.
  2. Clinician Interaction – There’s always an opportunity to ask questions.  You might want to ask about a certain groove from a recording and how they came up with it.  You might even ask about tuning, warmups, etc.  There’s usually time after the clinic to allow you the opportunity to meet them, get a picture, and ask any other questions you might have.
  3. Peer Interaction – Clinic attendees have a common interest and it’s a great opportunity to meet and talk to others who enjoy music the same as you do!
  4. Inspiration – This is the most important.  Live performances, whether it be a clinic or a concert, can inspire you.  We were all inspired at one point to start learning the instruments we play.  Listening and watching great musicians play music at the highest level inspires us to keep playing, and maybe try new things.  I remember that feeling when I was younger, attending a clinic or concert and wanting to run straight home and play my drums.  I feel EXACTLY that same feeling to this day.

This cannot happen on YouTube.  You have to be there live to feel it.  We have Todd Sucherman in clinic here at Chops Percussion this Thursday, May 26th.  I can’t wait to learn some new tricks, talk to some drumming peers, and feel that renewed inspiration all over again.  Attend a clinic so you can learn, interact and be inspired.  You won’t regret it.